Friday, November 13, 2009



According to the Bureau of National Affairs, most unionized employees now work for the government. While the overall number of unionized workers is just above 12% of the workforce, only 7.3% of those union members work in the private sector.

What is amazing is that more than 37% of all government employees belong to unions! That amounts to 8-million unionized government workers! The government has become the largest employer of unionized workers, and those unionized workers make sure that their voices ring loud and clear in the halls of congress as well as in the White House. After all, unions contributed more than $56-million to Democratic political campaigns in 2008.

While those government workers cannot go on strike for higher wages, increased benefits, or more paid vacation days; they can and do have their officers lobby congress to achieve those results.

An example of union strategy has become apparent on the west coast where unions have been running television ads and supporting ballot initiatives to raise taxes so that their members can receive higher wages. One need only stand on line at a local post office or motor vehicles office to experience union-protected inefficiencies and lack of initiative.

As a result of union demands, taxpayers will be footing the bill for increased taxes. And those taxes will go to pay for unionized government workers increased salaries and benefit. As the government pays ever high wages, it will have no alternative but to impose ever higher taxes to meet the demand. It is a classic vicious circle.

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